June is the month when people in the LGBTQ+ community celebrate who they are as individuals and as a community. Throughout time, people who are sexually atypical or gender expansive have been degraded, threatened, attacked, murdered, and deprived of their basic human rights. This, unfortunately, is still the case through much of the world and even here in the United States. Transgender people have one of the highest rates of murder in the country; statistics for Black transgender people is even higher. Until one year ago, it was legal in more than half of our states to fire workers for being gay, bisexual or transgender. (The Supreme Court deemed it unconstitutional in June of 2020.) Currently, many states have created or are going to introduce legislation that bars doctors from providing treatment to transgender kids. These laws are based on misinformation or no information at all and do irreparable harm to these children and their families.
This month, let's celebrate victories small and large:
In June 2015, the Supreme Court made it legal for same-sex partners to marry in all states.
Many states now allow gay couples to adopt or foster children.
More gay and transgender people are appearing in television programs and movies.
Gay and transgender people are getting voted into public office.
For Info on Pride Events in Los Angeles, go to: